Lucky Romance Episode 7 Recap

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Lucky Romance… a huge flaw lies within the story itself. This is something they really need to address. I let it go at first, but I cannot let it go any longer. Here’s the flaw: Are the superstitions real or are they coincidence? If they are real within the realm of the drama, then all of Bo Nui’s actions can be justified within the context of the drama (which is ridiculous). If they are not real, and are just coincidences, can they stop with the red pens and the comatose finger twitching? How is Bo Nui ever going to learn that life cannot be controlled using superstitions if things keep happening because of superstitious things. The message of the story is not clear. Their dabbling too much with two different scenarios. I can accept that some things won’t make perfect sense, but can their at least be some logic to it please?

Alright… let’s dive into this mess and see what was good and what had me pulling out my hair.

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Lucky Romance Episode 6 Recap

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Ahhhh! The full moon approaches… Bo Nui loses her mind… Soo Ho steps it up… these are a few of the ingredients of episode 6. It was good; it was great even. But it was beyond frustrating in many areas. What happens in the following episodes could either make or break the show. We are reaching the tipping point now (or at least it feels like it). This can’t be right – we’re on episode 6. We will see how they handle the progressing storyline.  In the meantime, let’s take a closer look specifically at episode 6.

Here’s the breakdown.

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Lucky Romance Episode 5 Recap

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Oh wow… things are certainly getting interesting now. It was quite the episode as Soo Ho (Ryoo Joon Yeol) reacts to the indecent proposal from Bo Nui (Hwang Jung Eum). Soo Ho also starts to put the pieces together as to why Bo Nui wants to sleep with him in the first place.

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Lucky Romance Episode 3 Recap

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Let’s talk Lucky Romance Episode 3. All the episodes have been pretty consistent in terms of delivery so far. The third episode brought more laughs and continued to dig deeper into each character’s past.

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Lucky Romance Episode 2 Recap

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Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! I mean, Raccoons and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! This was another animal heavy episode. I have to say, I’m loving the mix of playfulness, ridiculousness and emotional feels thrown in. This is quite the guilty pleasure drama.

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